Employees: Direct Deposit

New payroll rules require Direct Deposit for all paychecks. Direct Deposit is a faster, more secure, electronic method of paying you weekly.

To set you up, we need a signed authorization form, and a screenshot, picture, voided check, or statement that shows your full bank account number. 

1) Download, print and sign this authorization form. You can also print at the store. Ask your manager for help. (https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cowabungas.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/28155756/Direct-Deposit-Form-2021.pdf)

2) Take a picture of the completed authorization form and upload it here.

3) Upload at least one supporting documentation from your bank.  (Screenshot or picture of a voided check, bank statement, or direct deposit sheet from your bank)

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please upload a screenshot or picture of a voided check, bank statement w/account number, direct deposit form from your bank or some other media that shows your full account number.
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